Tuesday, October 12, 2010

production Schedule

Here is a rough timeline of what I have to get done and when it needs to get done. Things will probably be changed around a bit depending how long it takes me to build my sets and puppets but its a good start to keeping me organized.

semester 1
week 1
script, storyboard, animatic
week  2
revise story, redo animatic
week 3
more story changes, puppet armatures, artist statement and bio
week 4
finalize all animatic and story changes, model, character building
week 5
start practice sets, start foam mountain
week 6
finish foam mountain, finish practice mt. resume and cover letter due
week 7 midterms
thesis presentation, midterm critique, schedule, artist statement, bio, resume, cover letter, blog. concept art, research
week 8
finish building all armatures, put padding and start clothes
week 9
build structures for slopes, cont. puppets
week 10
check up, dreamland characters, cont. sets (plaster layers)
week 11
finish main puppets, cont. sets, paint cars
week 12
critique, demo reel due, cont. dreamland characters, sets
week 13
week 14
props, practice green screen compositing and layers, finish what needs to be finished
week 15 finals
demo reel, blog, updated documents
winter break
finish anything that need to be done before animating

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